SIRV Disease Model focuses on simulating vaccine has a significant effect on Covid-19 Cases. Statistical Analysis showed vaccine level increased, infection cases decreased, though Susceptibility and Recovered did not significantly decrease
SERIVD model takes in the death rate as well as the previous disease model factors. This one seemed to be most representative of real world, but did not show significant lowering of the other factors by the vaccine. This seemed to suggest the infection models were not a appropriate model to use for COVID simulations.
Map of Nuclear Armed Countries
SEIRV Model where exposure factor was added to the model. The Vaccine in this case seemed to again lower infection, though it did not lower the other factors. Susceptibility and Recovery were still not significantly effected
Self-checkout vs Employee checkout simulation. Statistical Data and graphing showed no difference in terms of the amount of customers that would be serviced. Mathmatic figures on cost do support saving money by switching to self-checkout.
Model of the World's countries, showing which countries have nuclear weapons. All non blue coutnries are nuclear armed. Moving cursor over the country showed how many weapons they have.
Chat Bot for Military Recruitment
Ai Chat Bot designed to help with connecting potential military recruits to recruiters.
Modeling and Simulation Profile
Unreal Engine Projects
Solar System Model
Model of our solar system using unreal engine 5. The model consists of simply spheres, and textures. The goal of this was to design a model mostly from scratch without using assests from the marketplace store.
Military Training Simulation
A simulation detailing a first-person shooter simulation where a user will be able to enter a training shooting course, where each building will have targets set up that activate when approached.
Unity Projects
Winter City Simulation
Model of a city during winter and surrounded by mountains. The goal of this simulation was to create a realistic city model as well as an surrounding environment.